Crisp Summer Cucumber Salad- a Lean and Green Recipe
Prep Time
15 minutes
Thereās nothing like the crisp crunch of summer cucumbers, especially when paired with sweet onions and tart apple cider vinegar.
Cucumbers make for a great Lean and Green recipe ingredient because they are a lower carbohydrate option and full of fiber. In addition, their crunchy texture is sooo satisfying.
This easy recipe makes a lovely summer side dish (or a winter one too!) perfect with any grilled lean meats. Try with Tuscan Grilled Steak, chicken thighs dusted with Cinnamon Chipotle and much more!
Happy Cooking!

- 4 C sliced cucumbers (peels on or off- your choice)
- 2 T apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 C thinly sliced white onion or red onion
2 tsp Stacey Hawkins Dash of Desperation Seasoning
Toss all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl. Let sit for 15 minutes to allow the vinegar to mellow the onion and flavors to meld. Serve chilled.
Chef's Notes & More
Serving Size is 1 cup of salad as prepared above
2 - Green
1/4 - Condiments