Low Carb Crustless Pumpkin Pie
Author :
Stacey Hawkins Optavia
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Oh my my my! Pumpkin Pie! If you're on a low carb diet or following Optavia or Optavia 5&1 yes, you CAN! This easy recipe is SO flavorful and delicious I promise you won't at all feel left out of dessert.
You can make this Sous Vide, or you can do a traditional baking water bath. I give both directions for you. Either way, however, it is VERY important that the ingredients all start at room temperature or your glass jars can crack and break, ruining the entire recipe. (Ask me how I know... ugh!)
Enjoy and happy cooking!
PS- if you're wondering just HOW this is low carb or approved on program, see my chef's notes below.

3 eggs at room temp
Ā½ cup canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling- just plain canned pumpkin)
1-2 T sugar substitute (I used 2 T Swerve)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp Stacey Hawkins Awesome Autumn Blend
Ā½ cup unsweetened almond milk at room temp
pinch sea salt
nonstick cooking spray
If using oven, preheat to 350Ā° F. If using Sous Vide, set water temp to 185Ā° F and make sure there is a rack or towel at the bottom of your water bath to protect the jars. Spray 8 small ramekins or 4-6 ounce size jelly jars with nonstick cooking spray.
Start with all ingredients at room temp. This is critical. Place all ingredients in a blender or in a bowl and mix with a stick blender on low for 30 seconds- until a smooth and even mixture comes together.
Pour liquid into 8 small ramekins or jelly jars. Using a fork, gently break any air bubbles that may be on top of the liquid.
If using jars, place the lids and screw tops on finger tight. If using ramekins, prepare the water bath by placing a thin towel in the bottom of a 9 x 12 baking dish with high sides. Set the ramekins on top of the towel and fill the dish with hot tap water so that it comes up 1ā below the top of the ramekins. It may be easier to pour the water AFTER you put the dish in the oven.
If cooking Sous Vide, place the ramekins in the water and cook once water reaches temp for 25 minutes. If baking in the oven, bake for 40-55 minutes until the pies are almost set, but still a little jiggly in the middle.
Remove the ramekins or jars from the water and let come to room temperature. Run a knife around the outside edges and turn over onto a plate when ready to serve. Finish with a dollop of your favorite whipped cream or topping (count the condiments or calories if you do) or simply dust with a pinch of Awesome Autumn Seasoning. Enjoy!
Chef's Notes & More
Optavia Lean and Green Counts
1 individual "pie" is counted as 2 condiments
Stacey's Notes
HOW does pumpkin work on program? Technically, pumpkin is not an "approved" vegetable because it is higher in carbohydrates. In this recipe, we are using 8 Tablespoons of pumpkin which breaks down to 1 Tablespoon per serving.
1 T pumpkin = 6 calories and 1 gram of carbohydrates, which qualifies it as a condiment
When we do the math, combining with the other ingredients portioned accordingly, the total recipe is equivalent to 2 condiments (without cream.)