Juicy Mediterranean Salmon a Lean & Green Recipe
Main Dish
Prep Time
2 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Many people are intimidated to cook salmon- and with good reason! With wild caught salmon often being more expensive than steak these days, you want a recipe that's guaranteed to give you great results, every time.
This super easy lean and green recipe makes the perfect lean to pair with just about any green. Here, we use Mediterranean Seasoning and pair the succulent salmon with our Lemony Roasted Red Beets and serve warm for an antioxidant rich meal that is as beautiful as it is delicious!
Happy Cooking!

Place a nonstick skillet large enough to hold the salmon on the stove over medium high heat.
Spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray.
While pan is heating, sprinkle seasoning over the fish and pat it with your fingers to help it stick.
When pan is hot, place salmon, seasoning side down and let it sear in the pan for 2 minutes.
Gently turn the salmon pieces over, turn the heat to medium and cover the pan with a lid. Let salmon cook for 4-7 minutes until desired temperature is reached. You can test the temperature by gently poking the salmon with your fingertip (careful!) The more "squishy" it is, the more rare, the more firm, the more well done.
Place salmon on a plate and serve with your favorite side dish!
Chef's Notes & More
Serving size is 5 oz of salmon
1 - Lean
0 - Leaner
0 - Leanest
0 - Green
1 - Condiments
0 - Healthy Fat
3 Weight Watchers Points