How I rediscovered a sense of Fun and Purpose after BIG changes in my life.
(<2 minute read)
It happened so suddenly. One day, the house was full of life, with the laughter, chaos, and mess that comes with raising kids and running a business. Then, just like that, it was quiet. Too quiet.
My babies had grown up and flown the nest, off to college to chase their dreams (phew, I did it!) My business was running itself, and I was left at home, staring at empty bedrooms, our quiet house, looking at Jason and wondering, What now?
I thought I’d love the downtime. I thought I’d savor the quiet. But the truth is, after a while the stillness felt like a weight I couldn’t shake. Without the constant demands of motherhood and no real "reason" to cook (especially for just ME), I found myself questioning my purpose.
Why bother getting up early?
Who even noticed if I wore real pants or pajamas all day?
It was as if, without the busy-ness of being Mom, I had lost a piece of myself.
And if you’re reading this, maybe you’ve felt it too.
That ache of wondering, What’s next? What do I do now?
Let me tell you: you’re not alone.
I realized I wasn’t just bored—I was stuck. I felt, well, useless, without a purpose.. Somewhere between missing my old life with its busy days and not knowing how to create a new one.
And while I didn’t have all the answers, I knew one thing:
I needed to find something that made me feel alive again.
One afternoon, I walked by a little flower shop in town. The sign in the window read, Help Wanted: Floral Designer. Now, I’ve been an avid gardener and learned a thing or two about floral design, but really, I’m a chef. I play with flavors, not flowers!
But something deep inside told me to walk in and ask about the job. A week later, I was tying bows, arranging bouquets, and filling vases with vibrant pops of color.
I was elated.
Working in that flower shop a few hours a week reignites me in ways I didn’t expect. Sure, it got me out of the house and gave me something to do, but it also gave me back a piece of myself.
I rediscovered my creativity.
I feel the joy of creating something beautiful with my own two hands and making people smile.
And most importantly, it profoundly reminds me that there’s still so much beauty to be found in life, even when it feels like the best chapters are behind us.
Maybe you’re feeling stuck too. Maybe your house feels a little too quiet these days. Or maybe you’re just going through the motions, wondering if there’s more to life than laundry and Netflix.
Let me tell you: there is.
You are so much more than the roles you’ve played in the past. And your next chapter? It can be just as beautiful as the ones you’ve already written. You just have to give yourself permission to refresh, rediscover, reawaken.
Whether it’s a part-time job, a new hobby, or volunteer work, I encourage you to find something that makes your heart sing. Something that gets you excited to wake up in the morning. Something that reminds you of the vibrant, passionate woman you are.
For me, it was flowers. For you, it could be anything. Maybe it’s painting, writing, baking, or hiking. Maybe it’s mentoring young women or fostering rescue animals.
Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to try something new. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back from rediscovering your glow.
The way to a Flavorful Life isn’t just through good food—it’s through reigniting the passions inside of you that make you shine.
You’re not done, my friend~ Far from it.
This is just the beginning of a whole new chapter, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you!
Here's to your Flavorful Life~

Chime In! What fuels you?
I’d love to hear from you! Are you feeling the same way about a new phase of your life?
If there were no limits, what fuels your creativity & would you love to do next?
Drop a comment below and let’s start a conversation about how we can all rediscover our passions and live our most Flavorful Lives!
(Know someone who might need to hear this? Please share! You have the power to empower just by clicking.♥️)
I love this! Thanks for the inspiration… and so glad you found yours too. But never EVER stop cooking or making your spices. We love them.
Great perspective. Thanks for sharing