Hey there, my Flavor loving Friend~
Happy 2025! We made it—another year older, wiser (hopefully), and ready to conquer whatever this year throws at us. But let me tell you, this year is already hitting differently for me. Why? Because I’m finally putting my money where my mouth is.
You see, every year I get my planners, my vision boards, and my cute pens (because if you’re going to write goals down, they should at least sparkle). And every year, I plan my ass off—meal plans, business ideas, life goals, all neatly organized in bullet points with a side of glitter for some inspiration.
And then? Well… let’s just say those plans collected dust faster than I go through a jar of Dash of Desperation (and that's fast!!).
This year, I got a slap in the face when I found myself writing the SAME things for the 3rd year in a row. Planning is great. Organizing is fabulous. But none of it matters without one key thing: actually DOING what you plan to do!
So, for 2025, I made a resolution to do things differently & to choose a simple way to help me. So I picked a one word mantra to inspire me & keep me focused every day.
Not just any word—my word.
And that word for me this year is Action. Why? Because if I want to live my best life (and I do, thank you very much), I can’t just plan it. I have to take action. Small steps, big steps, messy steps—it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m moving forward and actually LIVING my most flavorful life.
And guess what? I quite unintentionally took my very first action step on New Year’s Eve.
Now, full disclosure: I’m afraid of heights. Like, why-did-anyone-ever-invent-roller-coasters kind of afraid. No idea why. No childhood trauma, no traumatic Ferris wheel incident—just good old-fashioned irrational fear.
But this year, opportunity knocked and I had a choice to make... take action, or not?
Jason (bless him) surprised me with an evening at the Ophelia Lounge in NYC for a New Year’s Eve party. Picture this: stunning views of the city, champagne flowing, everyone looking fabulous—and then there’s me, staring out at the observation deck outside 26 stories high like it’s a medieval torture device.
I could have just ignored it- had another cocktail, closed my eyes and gone back downstairs. Easy peasy.
But instead of letting my fear win, I took a deep breath, channeled my inner Wonder Woman (okay, fine, WW wannabe), opened the door and stepped outside on to the open deck with poor Jason's hand crushed in mine.
Was it terrifying? Oh, absolutely. My heart was pounding, my palms were sweating, and I’m pretty sure I aged a year in those first 10 seconds. But as I stood there, taking the first breath of 2025's cold night air and looking at the awe-inspiring view, I realized something:
Taking action towards living that life you want—no matter how small—makes you feel alive.
It wasn’t groundbreaking. It wasn’t earth-shattering. But it was exhilarating. And it reminded me just how invigorating that feeling is. And while it scared me, it also motivated me because that ALIVE feeling is what I want, all the time.
So here’s my challenge to you: What will make YOU come alive in 2025? What’s one word & small action you can take today to move closer to actually FEELING that way? It doesn’t have to be big or flashy or Instagram-worthy. It just has to be a step.
Maybe it’s trying a new recipe, facing a fear, or something as simple as finally organizing that spice drawer (pro tip: grab some Wow! Seasonings while you’re at it!). Whatever it is, just take that first step. And then tomorrow, take another.
Because here’s the thing: Action creates momentum. Momentum creates progress. And progress? That’s how you change your life and live it to the fullest, one small step at a time.
So, here’s to 2025. Here’s to sweaty palms, breathtaking views, and living a life full of flavor.
Cheers to your flavorful life!
Stacey 💛
P.S. I dare you to drop your word for 2025 in the comments. Let’s make this the year we hold each other accountable—and have a little fun while we’re at it. 😉
This was so inspiring! I love your word action. WOW I wish we were best friends you’re so awesome! I’ve got to get back on my Optiva plan and your recipes
I went back to weight watchers…………and made the most delicious meal tonight, using one of your receipts with you spices. I cut it in half, as I live along and only wanted to make enough for 2 meals. My resolution is o cook more this year (I’m 80………………so I was rather bored with cooking……………but you have put a spark in my step.
It’s really 2 words: Keep Moving!
So one word would be Movement.
I’m older with health & joint issues so I need/want to keep moving in 2025!
My word is LISTEN. Really Listen to my body, Listen to my instincts. Listen to my loved ones.